Wir leben und lieben das
Hotellerie- und Gastronomiegeschäft
Trade of Glory Holding GmbH, headquartered in Quedlinburg / Germany, is a leading hospitality and gastronomy company in its region. Quedlinburg is a town in the Harz Region in the west of Saxony-Anhalt, Germany. Quedlinburg is an outstanding example of a European town with medieval foundations, which has preserved a high proportion of timber-framed buildings of exceptional quality. The architectural heritage of the old city has been on the UNESCO World Heritage List since 1994. Trade of Glory Holding GmbH, dedicated to fulfilling its mission of being the most hospitable company in the Harz region. Our most important investment in the hospitality sector, which is the main activity of our company, is Hotel Zur Goldenen Sonne.“
Unsere Firmen und Projekte

Steinweg 12 | 06484 Quedlinburg | Telefon: +49 (0) 3946 96 25 60 | info@quedlinburg-restaurnat.de | www.quedlinburg-restaurant.de

Restaurant Castello Wernigerode
Wernigeröder Hotel-Restaurantbetrieb Castello GmbH
Burgstraße 7 | 38855 Wernigerode | Telefon: +49 (0) 3943 63 21 79 | info@castello-wernigerode.de | www.castello-wernigerode.de

Restaurant Castello Quedlinburg
Wernigeröder Hotel-Restaurantbetrieb Castello GmbH
Pölle 29 | 06484 Quedlinburg | Telefon: +49 (0) 3946 3707 | info@castello-quedlinburg.de | www.castello-quedlinburg.de

Domino´s Pizza Wernigerode | Burgstraße 4 | 38855 Wernigerode | www.dominos.de

Lieferdienst & Abholservice Restaurant Castello Wernigerode
Burgstraße 7 | 38855 Wernigerode | Telefon: +49 (0) 3943 63 21 79 | info@shop.castello-wernigerode.de | www.shop.castello-wernigerode.de

Lieferdienst & Abholservice Restaurant Castello Quedlinburg
Pölle 29 | 06484 Quedlinburg | Telefon: +49 (0) 3946 3707 | info@shop.castello-quedlinburg.de | www.shop.castello-quedlinburg.de